11 September 2019
The Honorable Mitch McConnell
United States Senate
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator McConnell;
If a Universal Background Check Bill makes it to the Senate, please insure the following facts are openly discussed on the Senate floor:
- Universal Background Checks will not work without 100% Firearms Registration.
- This was determined by a National Institute of Justice study commissioned by President Obama.
- For Universal Background Checks to work, you have to know the current owner of every firearm in the country.
- If you don’t know who the current owner is, how will you know an illegal transfer occurred?
- There are an estimated 400 million firearms in civilian hands in the United States.
- If a Universal Background Check bill is signed into law, law-abiding citizens will obey it. Criminals will not.
- I believe firearms Registration is forbidden by USC Title 18 Part I. Chapter 44. Section 926 (a) (3).
- Concerning firearms registration, Canada repealed its gun registration law after 14 years and a cost of $2.7 billion. It was never credited with solving or preventing a single crime!
- If signed into law, Universal Background Checks will have no effect on crime or criminals, just law-abiding citizens.
The above cited study by the National Institute of Justice, the R&D agency of the Justice Department, needs to be reviewed by Congress. It basically says: The effectiveness of Universal Background Checks depends on Gun Registration; limiting firearm magazines to ten rounds will have no effect unless they’re all confiscated; assault weapons are not a major contributor to gun crime; gun buybacks are ineffective; smart gun technology is unlikely to affect gun crime, three-fourths of crime guns come from activities that are already illegal like straw purchase or theft; California has required all firearm transfers to go through a licensed dealer since 1923, yet straw purchasing continues unabated. This government produced study shows most of the solutions promoted by the gun control industry will not reduce crime.
Allan L. Perkins
Sergeant Major
U.S. Army (Retired)